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Hassle free Pre Cut
Adhesive Reinforcements

Revolutionary Tapes for highest
precision in Reinforcement of Bags

Why Justpeil ?

Justpeil control wastage by 90%

Justpeil helps in controlling rejections found at the last stage of QC inspection. All the stress points are not the cause of worry , thanks to the precut solutions which made our job easier and accurate.

Justpeil makes it possible to help Leather goods manufacturers that the buying form of reinforcement is aligned to the exact usage form.

Justpeil makes the process highly accountable and production environment fully controlled.

Basis Of Comparison

Basis of Comparison Justpeil Conventional methods(Rolls/Sheets)
User Dependency No Yes
Production Wastage calculated variable
Final Product rejection No Probable Chances
Cost Controlled Uncontrolled
Cutting Tools Not required Required

Comparison between Justpiel
and Conventional Reinforcements

Justpeil Conventional methods(Rolls/Sheets)
Purchase Price of Product
Man hours required for cutting
Cutting tools
Cost of subsquent related Incidental Errors
Management Cost

Live test the caliber of our products

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Let us contact you to understand your requirements and deliver the sample product of your choice.